Tuesday 8 October 2013

Research into editing styles - Miss Georgiou

Editing is very important within cinematography, it can create specific effects and feelings through the use of different techniques. I will be analysing the Saw clip and discussing the editing methods and the effect they have. The scene uses straight cuts at the beginning when switching from scene to scene, the audience are able to follow two different sequences that are happening simultaneously. The scene progressively builds in intensity as the audience are eager to find out what the fate of the characters will be as they  Straight cuts are used to show two different locations during the same time, they are effective as it can build up suspense in a scene as the two different locations and characters edge closer and closer to each other, they are a common convention within thriller film during chase scenes or when a victim is about to get murdered.

The scene also includes jump cuts in the scene to put focus on certain things, for instance, when the cannibal is finally captured and the camera cuts directly to his face and his cut off limbs, so the audience focus on his facial expressions and the blood around him, this creates surprise as the audience did not expect to see the cannibal dead as before the shot was a close up on the cannibals face and he looked alive and fine. Thriller films use jump cuts when putting the focus on a killer's face, usually covered by a mask, this is used to create shock within a scene as the killers face is usually disturbing or holds some sort of noticeable feature.
The scene also includes a variation of timing of shots, for example when Marv and the cannibal are fighting the timing of shots varies, this creates a sense of intensity and a climatic feel, the fast timing of shots mixed with the rapid transitions of shots create a strong feel of excitement within the scene, the scene is slowed down when Marv punches the cannibal and knocks him out, this creates tension as the audience are eager to find out what Marv will do with the cannibal next. Thriller films usually use timing of shots during chase scenes or just before something shocking is about to occur. 

The scene also includes linking of a section, when Marv is carrying Wendy the scene skips to the cannibal being tied up, the audience will be able to assume that Marv has tied the cannibal up and killed him even if it is not directly said. Another instance is at the end of the scene when there is a skip to when Marv is holing the cannibals head, however the audience can easily link the previous scenes all together due to context and assume that Marv cut off his head. Thriller's use this to engage the audience into using their brains and to make their own interpretations of a scene.   

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of Saw, demonstrates a proficient understanding of how editing styles are used within the thriller genre. You have identified the correct points and have related your points to the correct examples and audience expectations.

    To develop your understanding further, you need to include still images, to support the points that you have made.

    Also aim to include a summary, to explain how your research will assist you with planning and creating your own thriller.
