Sunday 1 December 2013

Risk Assessment - Miss Georgiou

There were several health and safety considerations taken within the production of our thriller opening scene. Health and safety are the regulations and procedures intended to prevent accident or injury in workplaces or public environments.

The first and most important regulation taken was the use of the prop the murderer used to kill her victims, the prop used to kill the victims was a very large kitchen knife, we used this prop as it is a household item and could be easily obtained by anybody. We were very aware of the risks that the knife held and were very cautious when handling it, as it could cause very serious injures if we were to act ignorantly when handling it. The only person to actually handle the knife was Lily who was the actress playing the role of the murderer, we made sure that the knife was kept low and she moved slowly when carrying it.

Another health and safety regulation taken was when filming on the roads or near the pavements, during certain flashback scenes. Cars can be extremely dangerous and we were very careful when filming on the roads, being hit by a car could cause very serious injury or even death and we discussed how we would eradicate the health risks before filming on the roads. We decided to film on an isolated road when it was later at night, this was as there would be a lack of traffic, this worked out very well as there were no cars that passed and we filmed with ease.

There were several other minor safety risks that we had to be aware of during the filming of our media project. The leads during filming were a trip hazard and a general safety issue, to prevent this we made sure no wire was on the floor or covered the wire with tape so nobody would trip and injure themselves. When handling the electrical equipment we made sure that there was no liquid near to prevent electric shock or breaking the equipment. The group member who's house we were filming in made sure there were no health risks or trip hazards within their home.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of what a risk assessment is. You have considered the purpose of what a risk assessment is, but further explanation of the hazards that you have included and how you are going to avoid them is needed, to demonstrate further planning techniques.
