Friday 29 November 2013

Production Roles - Miss Miller

People need to be allocated specific roles when creating a film for several different reasons, there are many roles within a movie production such as: director, producer, director of photography, actors, sound producers, screenplay writer, director of mise-en-scene , costume and make-up and editor.

Everybody contributing to the creation of our thriller film will participate in more ways than one, as there were only three people in our group including me we all had to play several different roles within the production of the film.

In charge of editing, sound and photography  was Amber, we concluded that Amber would be best suited to these jobs as she is very good technically and is very well skilled with computers and editing. Amber was generally in charge of camera angles and editing in our preliminary task, Amber used Final Cut Pro to edit our short clip, she showcased confidence in both aspects. Amber will also act in our opening. Amber also played a minor part in acting in the opening, playing the bride's best friend in certain scenes.

In charge of costume and make-up and writing the film was Lily, Lily was very enthusiastic to work with the costumes and make-up, she gathered the costumes such as the wedding dress and the bridesmaid dress, and used the make up well to potray a sad, heartbroken bride, the make-up ruined by tears effect and the smugged lipstick was very well done and will give the audience a visual represntation that they will be able to relate to. Lily was also a main actress within the production, playing the role of heartbroken-turned killer fiancee.

I was the producer of the thriller film, this was mainly due to my organisational skills and the group being dependant on me to provide props, determaine the location and organise the actors within the opening. I was also in charge of mise-en-scene within this thriller, I had to sort out the lighting, positioning, settings and several other aspects of the opening scene. I also had an acting role as the handsome fiancee who leaves his wife at the alter for her best friend.

There were several other small roles in which people took part in to aid to our thriller opening, several people helped with acting parts and providing of props for certain scenes, without them the production of the film would have been a lot harder.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a very basic recount of the main roles involved when filming and have mentioned who has been allocated each role, with a brief explanation as to why. You need to ielaborate in depth why people have been allocated certain roles.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Elaborate on the roles by explaining WHY you have allocated certain people each role
    2) Include a summary explaining how and why you think allocating people these different roles will make your sequence better and production easier and if anything could have been done differently
    3) Explain what each person has done in relation to their roles (have they done it well? has it made production easier?)
    4) Read through and double check spelling/grammar etc.
    5) Make sure you include what is involved in each role at the start of your post
