Tuesday 19 November 2013

Planning editing styles - Miss Georgiou

Editing is important within a thriller film as it can create feelings within a film and so the audience can understand what is going on within the film. Editing is the use of different effects and styles that create an effect for the audience and make things more interesting. Editing will be important within my opening sequence as it can create tension and build suspense, and can also entice the audience. My editing will be generally conventional to a thriller film.

One piece of editing that will be used within our opening will be the use of jump cuts, a jump cut is a cut in film editing in which two shots of the same subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly, this piece of editing will be used during the parts in which the bride is looking at the photo album as there will firstly be a focus on the bride's hands, then there will be a focus on the bride's photo album. The jump cut will add a sense of urgency within the bride and will keep the audience alert as they will know that the photo album holds relevance within the scene.

Another piece of editing we will use is the credits within the beginning of the opening. We decided to make our credits distinct and interesting and combined the credits with the photo album: everybody that had contributed towards the thriller would feature within the photo album with a photo and the role they had. We decided to use this method as it would be unconventional in terms of credits and the audience would be interested in it.

We decided to use straight cuts within our thriller during the shocking parts, as the audience will not be expecting what is going to happen next and thus will be suprised if something was to jump out which looked disturbing. We will also use straight cuts when going to the flashbacks as they are quick and are intended to be tense.

The group's favourite piece of editing is the use of the Kuleshov effect. This will feature during the flashbacks as the bride will cross of the victim's face and then the camera will cut to the victim's running away or the killer behind them, the audience will be able to conclude that the victim has been murdered without actually seeing the vctim being killed or a dead body.    


1 comment:

  1. This demonstrates some planning techniques of what editing styles you will include within your thriller. You have considered the different elements well, but further discussion of the examples and how it follows the codes and conventions of a thriller film is needed, to demonstrate further planning techniques.

    Also focus on the relationship between the audience and the characters.
