Monday 25 November 2013

Planning cinematography - Miss Miller

There are several aspects of cinematography that will be used within our thriller opening, cinematography is important as the audience could not be able to see what is occurring within a scene, cinematography also gives the audience different angles and views of the same scene so a director can quickly showcase different points of focus within their film.

Our thriller opening will have a strong use of close ups, this is for a number of reasons, firstly the killer's identity is kept hidden throughout the film to create tension and a sense of mystery for the audience. The close ups will focus on certain aspects of the killer, for instance one particular shot will be an extreme close-up and will focus on the killer's eyes, bloodshot, bags under and make up ruined with tears the audience will easily be able to conclude that the killer has had a very bad experience and is very distraught by this, even without background knowledge or the use of flashbacks. Another example of this use of the close ups within the thriller is when in one shot the focus is on the killers hands and the end of her arms, firstly the audience will notice the killer's nails, painted and decorated nicely the audience will be able to identify the gender of the killer as female without any knowledge of this, combined with the killer being in her wedding dress the audience will be able to obtain some knowledge that the person was a bride-to-be in some sort of distress.

Another use of cinematography is the Point of View angle used in our thriller, this camera shot is used to put the audience in the eyes of a certain character. This shot will be used in two instances: firstly when the "bride" is looking at her photo album and secondly when the flashbacks are occurring. When the bride is looking at the photo album the camera will be as if it is in the view of her and can showcase how vulnerable she is and the importance of the photo album because of the way she holds it. The Point Of View shot used within the flashback sequences will create a sense of anticipation and tension, the "bride" will be carrying a weapon, most likely a knife and will be heading towards the victims whom have been crossed off on the photo album, the audience will be able to anticipate that the victims are about to be killed and will also associate the weapon with danger, thus creating a sense of tension.

We will use the handheld shot within our opening, this camera shot is used to create a sense of realism and urgency within a particular scene. The handheld camera shot will be used during a majority of the flashbacks, the shot will be in the style of a wedding video to create a sense of realism. The handheld camera may also be used in the present scene, as the bride may be looking into the camera or filming to state she is going to kill the husband. Handheld shots are used in extremely tense scenes that create a shaky and an urgent sense.                                                                

1 comment:

  1. You have provided good recount of the cinematography analysed this far, explaining why you will use certain angles etc at certain times and what you hope this will achieve for the audience. You need to do the same for three more angles/shots/movements and make sure to explain how you hope the audience will build a relationship with the characters as a result.
