Thursday 28 November 2013

Inspirations - Miss Miller

Being inspired is very important within all forms of art, we need inspiration to enable ourselves to be more creative as we need previous ideas to spur us on to create something of our own. I have looked at several different clips and films in order to become inspired and get some ideas.


One of the films I looked at was the noire thriller Sin City, the strong use of close ups, especially the use of extreme close ups. I was very interested in the use of these close ups for several reasons, firstly the close ups within the film are used to show certain aspects of a character, physically or mentally, the audience can read the character's face and determine certain things about them for example: within our thriller opening the bride's eye shadow is ruined, with the use of a close up the audience will be able to see this and make the assumption that her eye shadow is ruined because of her tears, and thus that she is upset.

Another of the films I researched was Saw, there is a strong use of the handheld camera effect within it, the use of handheld cameras is used within several thriller films as it creates a strong sense of urgency and action within a certain exciting scene. The handheld camera shot will be used during a majority of the flashbacks, the shot will be in the style of a wedding video to create a sense of realism. The handheld camera may also be used in the present scene, as the bride may be looking into the camera or filming to state she is going to kill the husband.

I have been strongly inspired by the use of straight and jump cuts within the thriller film. The use of both jump and straight cuts will be used when bride is looking at the photo album as there will firstly be a focus on the bride's hands, then there will be a focus on the bride's photo album. The jump cut will add a sense of urgency within the bride and will keep the audience alert as they will know that the photo album holds relevance within the scene, and the jump cuts in the shocking parts of the opening as the audience will not be expecting what is going to happen next and thus will be suprised if something was to jump out which looked disturbing. We will also use straight cuts when going to the flashbacks as they are quick and are intended to be tense.


1 comment:

  1. You have provided a very brief and basic recount of the inspirations you have taken for some of the elements and how you have included them within your sequence; however you need to go into more detail and use PEER to analyse them more effectively.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Use PEER to analyse your points more effectively
    2) Include paragraphs on all the micro elements (sound, cinematography, mise-en-scene, editing, conventions) and one on characters
    3) Make sure you explain in detail what you have found inspirational in a clip and why (how was it effective etc.) before mentioning how and why you will incorportate this idea into your sequence
    4) Include a summary explaining how and why you have found taking inspirations from other films beneficial when creating your opening sequence
