Monday 18 November 2013

Characters in a thriller film - Miss Miller

We will have several conventional and un-conventional characters within our thriller films to keep the audience entertained and get them to relate with the characters.


Name - Lindsey.
Age - 19/20.
Relationships - Engaged to Hayden, best friends with Jessica.
Personality - Fun, bubbly, friendly.
Summary - Bride-to-be turned killer after being betrayed by everyone around her and jilted on her wedding day.

Our main character is the villain or arguably protagonist is the "bride", jilted by her husband at the alter she is heartbroken and desperate for revenge. The character will be attractive and innocent looking, as the audience will not suspect that she would be a murderer or that she would be sinister in any way. The bride will look sad and depressed when in the present time, this will be noticable through use of make-up and facial expressions, however when in the flashbacks the bride will look happy and pretty as she is happy. We intended to create a character that was unconventional within a thriller film as usually the killer is a male and either is insane or weird in a certain aspect, we all agreed that a character much alike to the audience watching the film, who lives an ordinary life, with ordinary friends would be a very relatable and interesting character within our film.


Name - Hayden.
Age - 20
Relationships - Engaged to Lindsey, best friends with Cass, Kofi and Gurbir, cheating with Jessica.
Personality - Selfish, charasmatic, funny.
Summary - Unfaithful man who runs off with his fiancee's best friend, he leaves the fate of himself and his friends in the hands of Lindsey.

Our other main character is the main victim or the "groom", who left the bride on the day of their wedding day. The groom is constantly paranoid and has a suspicion that somebody is watching them. The groom will look like a conventional thriller film antagonist and this will be for two reasons, firstly the film is shot in the viewpoint of the bride and thus the man who broke her heart will accordingly look evil in her eyes. Another reason for this is so the victims look completely unconventional, this will create confusion within the audience as they will not know who each character is or be able to predict what is going to happen thus also creating suspense.

Best friend:

Name - Jessica
Age - 20
Relationships - Best friends with Lindsey, having an affair with Hayden.
Personality - Sly, manipulative, selfish
Summary - Lindsey's best friend who betrays her and spurs Hayden into leaving Lidnsey at the alter.

The other most noteworthy character is Jessica, the best friend and bridesmaid to Lindsey, she is a deceptive woman who goes against her best friend and cheats with her fiancee. We wanted to create a relatable story line that is realistic and the audience could understand the feelings of the killer and almost sympathise with her, essentially brandishing the title of her being a killer and more of a protagonist in the eyes of the viewer.

Other characters are generally extras such as the friends of the groom (all male) and the bridesmaids of the bride (all female) there may also be the inclusion of the family of the groom. All of the characters that are close to the groom will be at risk of being murdered by the bride and a majority of them will be.                        

1 comment:

  1. You have given detailed recounts of the characters used within your sequence; however, you need to elaborate on your reasons for using these characters, explaining why they are conventional, create certain emotions etc.

    To improve you post you need to:
    1) Explain WHY for all your points made; why can the audience build a relationship because of this convention? Why are these characters etc. conventional?
    2) Relate all points back to the audience; explain how and why the audience are able to build a relationship with the victim and how can they relate to the situation (people who have been/will be/are etc. married).
    3) Explain how the use of your specific characters will make your sequence more interesting etc.
    4) Explain how the bride will be protrayed when she if finally percieved to be the killer
    5) Provide a summary explaining how successful you think your sequence will be as a result of your characters used.
