Monday 18 November 2013

Research into target audience - Miss Miller

We interviewed random people to find out what an audience would expect and want within a conventional thriller film.

What age are you?

57% of our interviewees were 15-17 and this was intentional as our target audience was 15 and above, as this is the prime age of movie watchers and the our film would get the most audience. We used older participants to see what they wanted within a thriller film as well as they arguably have more experience in watching thriller films and could give a better insight towards the conventional thriller techniques needed.

What gender are you?

68% were surprisingly female, this is primarily because our film is unconventional in the sense that the female is the antagonist and a majority of the victims are male, this is very unusual as the victims in thriller films are usually female, also the film is not only focusing on thriller aspects within a movie, it also has a sense of romance or revenge and this traditionally could be a more female liked subject, we therefore used more females to indicate what they would want within a movie.

Which age certificate do you prefer watching?

65% of our response was 15+ this was good as this is our intended audience and can furthermore prove that 15+ certificates are popular.  

Do you have an interest in sequels?

50% said yes, this was interesting as our group had expected a negative response to this question however we can now implement a cliff hanger or something to set our group up for another movie.

What characters would you like to see in a thriller?

 Both victim and killer were almost even in popularity within this question, this can indicate that the audience do not want something unconventional when it comes to there being a killer and a victim as this is one of the most traditional features within the thriller genre, we will be using both characters within our film most definitely.

Would you like to see conventional or different characters?

70% of participants responded with different character which was good for us as our character could be argued as different to the conventions of a killer. We will now opt to make sure all our characters are unique and grab the attention of the audience.      

The results that we gained were generally what we expected, our group aimed to ask more females as the thriller is aimed for females. The aspects of a thriller wanted by the audience showed us that people wanted conventional things and that we should not be too radical in terms of making our thriller unconventional. We decided to go with a 15 rating as this meant that we could have aspects of violence and thrill but also get a wider variety of audience.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a very basic recount of some of your results and provided no pie charts making it difficult to analyse correctly.

    1) Include pie charts, copy of questionnaire and vox pops
    2) Explain what the results might mean in terms of content and how you will incorporate the results into your sequence
    3) Include a paragraph on open questions, with an example of one with an answer and an analysis
    4) Use PEER to analyse this better
