Thursday 13 February 2014

Audience feedback

Feedback is important for many reasons, without it we could not make the appropriate changes to our clip as we don't know what the public actually think about it, as we would all be bias towards our clip. As a result our clip will be better and as the audience are the ones who generate money we want our thriller film to be the best it can be. We received our feedback in the form of questionnaires, we gave a presentation and showed the rough cut of our clip, after this was shown they were asked questions and we took in each of these questionnaires, we received information on the strengths and weaknesses and we noted and adapted our clip accordingly. The feedback helped us massively and we intended on using it when coming to our final cut. Production companies use feedback in order to gain major profits as this is the essential reason as to why the companies exist, if they want a big audience and want to create a blockbuster film they must go through a long process of criticism in order to create a perfect product, much alike any other product.

We generally received the same criticisms and strengths from all groups, those being...

 Too boring: this came up several times, this was mostly due to the majority of the clip being dialogue and a lot less being action or danger, this would not excite or engage an audience at all and was our major issue within the clip. We dealt with this by cropping a large majority of the dialogue out through Final Cut Pro and also re-filming scenes to add more action in that would excite the audience and keep them entertained.

Too long: the clip was almost 4 minutes long, when it needed to be around 2 minutes maximum, this was an issue that links with it being too boring as it makes the viewing experience even worse for the audience. We shortened the clip massively for the final cut.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in explaining why audience feedback is essential within a production and you have also included some of the comments that you received, with a slight reflection.

    Now you need to explore the comments in further detail, by focusing more on the changes that you would like to make and why?
