Thursday 13 February 2014

Thriller comparison - Miss Georgiou

I believe we have created a successful thriller for many reasons, we went against the conventions of a thriller film in some aspects however kept the key aspects that made other thriller films successful such as the use of a knife as the killing weapon and shock, surprise, and suspense. We gained a variety of audience through the use of realism and relatablity within our plot and the use of diverse characters, the use of a female main character also meant that there was opportunities for a wider audience and this essentially could have lead to our film making a good profit.

I believe our best element within our film is the unique plot and characterizations, unlike several of the other thriller clips we gave had several conversations about what the best narrative could be, and what would be best in terms of characters, unlike other clips which feature in forests and have monsters our clip was realistic and relied on the audience engaging themselves with the characters and the situations they are in. The use of a high angle when in the present tense of the "bride" showcases her weakness and makes it even more interesting as to how a "weak" female could be capable of killing so many people. The plot itself featuring around a wedding is very unconventional as weddings are usually happy places, we thus decided that we could use the contrapuntal atmosphere to our advantage and shock the audience.

Our film would be most comparable to the movie the Orphan for several reasons, firstly both films included a female main character and murderer, this was a strong talking point within both of these thrillers as it created an eerie and unexpected atmosphere within the audience, the film also used a knife several times as its killing weapon much alike to ours.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in describing why you think your thriller is successful, in terms of your character representations and how it appeals to an audience. You have also started to consider a comparison thriller to relate to, but the points need to be explored in further detail.

    Also aim to include screenshots, to support the points that you have made in further detail.
