Wednesday 12 February 2014

Media evaluation - Question 2

Question 2 – How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our film only had 2 main characters but featured many others whom appeared frequently, the first being the “bride,” (Lily Badcock) a woman who is left at the altar and betrayed by both her ex-fiancee and her best friend; she seeks revenge and plots to murder both of them and everyone associated with them.
 We believed that the character was a relatable one; several of the emotions she is feeling are extremely common, such as heartbreak, betrayal and anger, we created the character as she was an accurate representation as to what an ordinary person was capable of when pushed. We further decided to create a relationship with the character and the audience and in a sense create an anti-hero, we used make up and facial expressions to showcase the feelings of the bride, the audience may feel some of the pain and begin to sympathise with the "bride." People being ditched at the alter is also not a rare occurrence and also adds a sense of realism and the audience once again will be able to relate with the plot and characterisation within the thriller rather than having an unrealistic plot that the audience may not understand or enjoy as much. The character is also young which can also make the film  more relatable as the majority of our viewers will be aged 15-21 and thus the character is better fitted if aged similar to them as they have more in common, several other thrillers use young characters such as Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Scream, these characters also have characteristics such as naivety and make bad decisions which can help the plot as it brings openings for more danger. We also had a strong belief that a female main character would massively improve our chances of gaining a female audience, as it has rarely been done before within the thriller genre and creates the chance for a unique main character, it has proven successful within films such as Lara Croft with several sequels and other forms of marketing created due to the primary success. 

Our character is introduced
as sad, depressed and heartbroken.
Lara Croft was a major hit, note the
over sexuality of the poster and her
 outfit in order to attract male viewers.

A young cast is used in the movie Prom Night
 as it appeals to the audience and
 as they are relevant and sociable.

Being jilted at the alter is common
within romantic films however the
true emotions such as anger are
 never dealt with in these films.
Our second character was the “husband,” (Jazz Chrystie) an unfaithful and selfish man who runs away with her bride-to-be’s best friend, we also believed that this was a realistic character as there are several unfaithful men in relationships in modern times. Male victims are not necessarily rare however a main character such as the "husband" being a victim along with only other male victims is very unusual and could be a talking point within our movie. The "husband" is also very young and as a result the audience may relate to this character, they may also enjoy the character's personality in some aspects or find him funny and character the audience will form a relationship with. I believe that gender is represented both conventionally and unconventionally, the man cheating on his girlfriend would be deemed as stereotypical and the girl being left hurt by her boyfriend also orthodox however the female being the killer is a very rare occurrence and is thus we believed we would be a more unusual and exciting thriller than the others. 

Cheating husbands is an issue
within real life and thus the audience
can relate with this within our thriller.
The second main character is introduced
as a stereotypical male character.
Other characters that featured was the best friend of the “bride” (Amber Johnson) a sly woman who persuades the “husband” to leave his girlfriend in favour of her, she is also a character is relatable, a jealous woman who attempts to ruin another’s happiness, and all the friends of the “husband.” I believe the characters appeal to the audience as they are unique and diverse and thus this will make our clip and our characters stick out. Our characters are also realistic and represent a majority of the younger generation, as a result allowing the audience to form relationships with these characters. 

We exerted several representations within our clip as the audience relate to these characters, the use of the white wedding dress within our thriller film creates the representation of a           

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of question 2, demonstrates a basic understanding of how your thriller represents particular social groups. You have made a start in focusing on the character representations and how that would appeal to your audience, but more detailed points are need, by considering the clothing, positioning, colours, etc
