Thursday 13 February 2014

Media evaluation - Question 4

Question 4 – Who would be the audience for your media product?

Deciding a target audience is extremely important for several reasons, once an audience is identified the production company and director knows just how they should create and produce the film so it will appeal directly to that audience. The production company know how they can advertise the film, with a younger audience advertising through social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter or tie ins with other companies such as the Inbetweeners movie and pot noodle affiliation would be more successful than with an older audience as younger people use these websites significantly more than older people, with an older audience the use of advertising through newspapers or traditional movie trailers would be better as elderly people generally read the newspaper more and watch more TV the audience specific advertising would lead to getting a bigger audience and potentially creating a blockbuster film which would result in huge profits, which is what all production companies aim for. We decided to make our film a 15+ for many reasons, firstly this opened up the possibility of making teenagers our main demographic in terms of profits, if the film was intentionally released on the day teenagers broke up for school it is guaranteed our film would get high profits as a large majority of teenagers enjoy watching movies, we decided against making our film 12A as this meant our film could be more mature and serious. We interviewed several people of a wide age range in order to find out both what they would be interested to see within a thriller film and what they liked and disliked about the ideas within our own thriller film and adjusted the film in terms of narratives and features accordingly. We found several things that helped better ourselves in terms of the audience, firstly we found that 15 was the most popular age rating, we also found that lighting and sound was considered to be more important than special effects when it came to creating tension, we found that they would be interested in a setting that was unexpected and they said that the film would be more interesting if it had less dialogue and more action. We quickly adapted to these ideas and I believe our final product will interest an audience in many ways, firstly the use of a female main character is one that has rarely been touched upon within the thriller genre and could be exciting for the audience, secondly our film relies heavily on a wide range of camera techniques such as the use of a handheld effect to create urgency and the use of extreme close ups to create emotion will give the film a more realistic feel that will set our film apart from others, the use of an eerie soundtrack mixed with contrapuntal sound will create a tense atmosphere. Overall the audience will enjoy our unique film and if marketed correctly could be very successful. 

Advertising through pot noodles
could attract audiences.
Advertising through newspapers
could attract elderly views.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of question 4, demonstrates a proficient understanding of how your thriller appeals to your target audience. You have made a start in considering how your thriller appeals to your audience through your chosen characters and micro elements, but some of these points need to be explored and discussed in more detail.
